Ethical Supply

& Modern SLAVERY

Videopro holds a commitment towards achieving the highest standards of ethical behaviour in the conduct of our business and activities. We support and respect the protection of human rights and have a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. In policy and action, Videopro does not tolerate slavery, human trafficking, abuse, and unfair treatment in any part of our business, or in any of our supply chains and service provider partners. We endeavour to not be complicit in any human rights abuses as an organisation.

Videopro policies and practices in relation to procurement, human resources and corporate responsibility support this commitment, with a continuous process of improvement approach in place to assess effectiveness and manage risk. As an active member of NARTA (National Associated Retail Traders of Australia), Videopro is part of a group that has developed a Modern Slavery initiative, supporting both members with Modern Slavery Act (Cth) 2018 reporting obligations and compliance, and members who do not hold obligations, but are committed towards developing and achieving these ethical obligations. NARTA is playing an active role across the group in facilitating the obtainment and holding of core supplier modern slavery statements via its governance portal.

Our client partners can receive a copy of our 2023 modern slavery self declaration upon request.